Cos'è il CBD?


Short for “cannabidiol”, is a natural substance from cannabis or hemp.

CBD have feel-good or medical effects : from anxiety to inflammation, the complexity of its effects is still under investigation.

Cannabidiol does not have any significant side effects except for relaxing the body on the majority or effecting the liver if consumed in too high concentration.

CBD makes you relaxed and aware, without a psychoactive effect but with a relaxed state of mind.

Cos'è il CBD?

la Cannabis is indeed a plant that includes many organic compounds, the main ones being cannabinoids, terpenes and flavonoids. CBD is a cannabinoid.

Questi ultimi sono a loro volta 80 nella cannabis, ma solo quattro sono in maggiore concentrazione:

-THC or 9-tetrahydrocannibinol,

-CBD or cannabidiolo

 -CBG or cannabigerol,

-CBN or cannabinol

cannabidiolo è quindi una delle molecole  da canapa e non una miscela come la cannabis.

Questa distinzione è essenziale per il legislatore o il farmacologo, perché CBD effettua non causare dipendenza fisica e non ha azione narcotica.

This is why certains countries uses Indian hemp richer in cannabidiolo as cannabis terapeutica.

Guarda anche questo breve video:


Which One Should You Take ?

The product you choose may depend on the effects you are trying to achieve.

Se stai cercando riduce lo stress or dormi meglio, Per esempio, cannabidiol may provide benefits without the negative side effects associated with THC.

rilevabile potrebbe essere un file scelta migliore for symptoms or conditions for which the substance has demonstrated vantaggi, such as tremors or poor appetite.

Alcune ricerche suggeriscono che il potential therapeutic effects of THC and CBD tend to be greater when the two cannabinoids are taken together at the same time.

This phenomenon is known as the entourage effect.

Taking CBD along with THC helps to reduce some of the unwanted effects that THC may have.

For example, one study suggests that CBD may potentially reduce some of the negative cognitive effects of regular cannabis use.

Per esempio, people who use cannabis, particularly when it has high THC levels, may have a greater risk of experiencing psychotics symptoms.

Cannabidiol may help mitigate these effects. 

Uno studio lo ha scoperto CBD blocks some of the potential psychiatric effects of THC.

The authors of the study suggest that such findings have implicazioni importanti for the use of cannabis products.

People who are prone to unwanted side effects, for example, may be able to still gain the potential health benefits by sticking to products that are low in THC and higher in CBD content.

È anche importante ricordarlo cannabidiol and THC work in a number of different areas of the brain.

Researchers do not yet fully understand the effects that these cannabinoids have, either alone or in conjunction with one another.